The Birth of Isabelle
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The birth I had was so unexpected but perfect!
I went out for dinner Thurs eve after I spoke to you for our catch up call, and I felt like she was in my bum!,but didn’t think anything of it, by 10pm I was home having more intense contractions so waited it out till midnight when I called up and was told to stay home longer if I could. I managed another hour & called them and they said to come in.
Got there for 1:30am, the midwife I had was amazing, she checked me & I was 5cm dilated I think she was shocked as she said during the contractions I looked so chill! I had wanted epidural the whole pregnancy but stayed in the haven ward using only gas and air. Had my fairy lights up & the midwife bought in a starry machine thing for the ceiling, the lights were dimmed it was so lovely. Things ramped up quickly I think my waters broke on the toilet at around 4am, I decided to get straight into the birthing pool after that and by 4:25am I needed to push, & she arrived at 4:54am.
Thank you so much!