baby Mama No Drama | Birth Stories|

The Birth of Sonny

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I received a phone call from the hospital to say I had suspected pre eclampsia so I needed to be induced the next day. 

 I went into hospital on Thursday to discuss with the consultant about pros cons of induction, & possibility of c section. After MANY conversations using BRAINS (which I am so grateful I knew) we asked for a planned c section. We had to wait to speak to a doctor at 10pm to put the final plans in place (as there was a change over of doctors). The new doctor finally told us he was not happy to authorise a c section. He said that the consultant has to authorise it and they weren’t in until tomorrow morning. 

We arrived back at the hospital in the morning, this consultant was a lot nicer, and she provided us with all the information. The medical staff kept pushing for me to have a natural birth. The midwife with my permission examined me & I was dilated over 1cm. The midwife felt that 2 x gels would probably induce labour. So together George and I decided to do it. 

 After 1 gel not a lot happened. Second gel 4 hours later…. Woah….. everything happened so quickly. My waters broke after 1 hour. I was having full on contractions.  

 The contractions were intense. I was using the breathing techniques you had taught me. After 2 hours, I was having contractions every 2 mins, the baby’s heart beat was lost on 4 occasions. The medical staff were debating on letting me carry on pushing, knowing the heart beat had been lost on 4 occasions. 

 George pushed back & said to the medical staff that’s it, she is having a c section now as we originally wanted. I had gone from 2cm (when waters broke) to nearly 7cm in 2 hours. George really put his foot down. Then they started agreeing. 

George said after seeing you, he felt so empowered to tell them to stop and ask for a c section. 

When I woke up George was holding Sonny who was happy and healthy. George placed him on my chest and I felt pure love.

 Thanks Laura. You have been really kind and caring. George and I both appreciate your support.


Sonny Poole Maternity